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بواسطة (253ألف نقاط)

Write your life story. Say where you were born, raised, and educated, Include important events, and influences in your lifeوفيما يلي نعرض لكم الإجابة الصحيحة التالية الدرجة :(1.00نقطة)

طلابنا الأعزاء، نحن سعداء جدًا بانضمامكم إلينا لذلك لخصنا لكم أفضل الحلول الصحيحة والمعتمدة من وزارة التربية والتعليم في هذه السنة الجديدة 1446.

حل سؤال : Write your life story. Say where you were born, raised, and educated, Include important events, and influences in your life

هنأ موقع "نـبـلاء الـعـلم"، نقدم لكم مجموعة واسعة من حلول المواد والدروس والنماذج والاختبارات التشخيصية التي ستساعدكم على تحقيق أهدافكم الأكاديمية.

وهنأ في هذا اليوم الجميل سنزودكم بأدق المعلومات التي تبحثون عنها في إجابة سؤال

Write your life story. Say where you were born, raised, and educated, Include important events, and influences in your life

والـجـواب هـو : 

My Life Story I was born in [city name] in [year of birth]. I grew up in a middle-class family, where my father worked as [father's profession] and my mother as [mother's profession]. My family always encouraged me to study and be interested in knowledge. During my childhood, I loved reading and writing, and I enjoyed spending time in the library. I started my education at a local school where I learned the basics. I had inspiring teachers, especially [teacher's name], who encouraged me to develop my writing skills. After graduating from high school, I enrolled at [university name] University where I studied [major]. That period was full of challenges, but also full of opportunities. I joined many student activities, which helped me expand my network and acquire new skills. Among the important events in my life, there was [an important event, such as traveling, getting a job, or a personal experience]. This event had a great impact on me, as I learned a lot about [what I learned]. After graduating, I started working at [job name or field], and this was the beginning of a new stage in my life. I have faced new challenges, but I have always believed that perseverance and hard work are the keys to success. Even today, I continue to learn and grow, and I always try to be a positive person and impact the lives of others in a good way. My life is a continuous journey of learning and growth, and I am grateful for every experience I have had.

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بواسطة (253ألف نقاط)
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Write your life story. Say where you were born, raised, and educated, Include important events, and influences in your life

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سُئل سبتمبر 29 بواسطة احمد (253ألف نقاط)
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مرحبًا بك إلى نبلاء العلم، حيث يمكنك طرح الأسئلة وانتظار الإجابة عليها من المستخدمين الآخرين.